
Welcome to my blog, this is a forum that I have set up for the discourse of fine art and all art based topics. I am willing to discuss just about anything, however, let's try and keep it based on visual art, music, film, and literature. I welcome any comments good or bad, although I will be very selective as to which I will respond to. So please try to avoid any unnecessary negativity if you actually want a response.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Picturesque Geography: Flint to Detroit

Time lapse can supply many different aspects of a subject that we would normally never see with our eyes naturally.  We as humans are always in motion and it is almost impossible for us to stay still for long periods of time, even if we could it would be inconceivable to take all the information in and process it in this manner. Since time lapse creates the possibility to witness motion, light, and nature in ways that  we cannot see with our naked eye it offers plenty of applications.  I think it will be interesting to see how Alex uses this technique to complete his project, there are a lot of diverse areas that he can document from Flint to Detroit. Flint and Detroit are two cities that have suffered considerably from the decline of the auto industry, although there are a lot of affluent communities that lie between the two so it will allow for a good contrast of social and economical demographics.  Pontiac has suffered considerably from the decline of the auto industry as well and it's just about half way between Flint and Detroit. It is unfortunate how reliant we are on the auto industry here in Michigan, three of the so called worst cities in Michigan are all in the financial situation that they are in because of it. I think that it would be an interesting aspect to represent this problem with this particular project because it is something that people could relate to that are from different cities throughout the entire country, and world for that matter, because of the economic climate from the recession.

1 comment:

  1. It is a good point that you bring up Jeffrey, about the auto industry and how it has affected both the cities of Flint and Detroit. Bringing fourth this subject into the bigger subject of Flint and Detroit would refine the idea into something that is a common issue that many are aware of. Considering the topic is on Flint and Detroit, it may be visually interesting to see huge contrast between Flint and Detroit, or possibly even the similarities.
