
Welcome to my blog, this is a forum that I have set up for the discourse of fine art and all art based topics. I am willing to discuss just about anything, however, let's try and keep it based on visual art, music, film, and literature. I welcome any comments good or bad, although I will be very selective as to which I will respond to. So please try to avoid any unnecessary negativity if you actually want a response.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Personal Style & Personal Traits: the Reality of Identity.


    I think you're off to a good start and your choice of topic is something that you can truly find a lot of references and information on in order to help you develop your project.  Fashion is and probably always will be something that people use to identify themselves with; even though all of it is borrowed from somewhere or someone else, in some way.  I think that people use fashion as an identifier all the time, it has always been a cliche that you can tell a lot about people by how they dress.  However, I personally believe that to be an untrue statement. People are just like books; you can never judge them by the way they are covered. When I was younger, I was always very conscientious about my clothing and the way that I looked when I went out into public, or anywhere for that matter, because I was always concerned that if I didn't present myself in a certain fashion that some people (the people I was trying to impress or belong with) wouldn't take me seriously or would think I had bad taste;  obviously, I cancelled my subscription to that years ago. I think that the fact that fashion is such a media based and driven form of representation is the problem, as you pointed out on your page people look to movie stars, pop stars, magazines, web pages... for their identity because they think that if they emulate those people or what they see looks good on others that people will think they have the same characteristics.
    I'm curious to know if this is something that troubles you about yourself or if it is something that you recognize in others and it bothers you or raises questions about the validity of their choices.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you raise the question of "why?" Alexandra is doing this project. I think it a very important part of any artists work and it definitely will skew how the project will turn out. I agree that at a younger age how kids worried about how their peers would see them in certain clothes and hopefully as they get older they realize it is not nearly as important.
